As of 2022 the American Kennel Club recognizes over 197 purebred dog breeds, maintains a Miscellaneous Breed section and methodically considers new purebred dogs for recognition. Each purebred must have a National Club which is the parent club for each AKC-recognized breed. Parent Clubs maintain the breed standard, subject to the approval of the AKC. The Golden Retriever Club of America established in 1938 is the parent club for Golden Retrievers.

These parent clubs not only further the sport of the purebred dog, but strive to promote and protect dogs in their communities, share in educational programs, sponsor training classes and health clinics and operate a rescue network as well as responsible breeder locator service. We encourage you to locate and join a club in your area. We also encourage you to educate yourself about the purebred Golden.

You should be well-informed about the cross-bred Goldens advertised and the misrepresentations made about these cross-breeds or “designer” Goldens.

The breed standard is established to relate to the purebred’s original intended purpose, i.e., for a Golden: the working retriever of game birds shown in hard working condition. These requirements should never be ignored without serious detriment to the breed. Please view the breed standards linked below.

Contact me for more information on AKC Registered Puppies From Champion Golden Retrievers and Pedigrees